English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC)
All parents of English learners are welcome to participate in their school site English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) and District level English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC). These groups provide valuable input for ongoing program improvement. They additionally receive information about curriculum, instruction, program evaluation, and budget. For more information, contact our school's ELD Coordinator, Mrs. Kirsten Jackson at kirstenjackson@burbankusd.org, Curriculum Specialist, Mrs. Grata Chiu at gratachiu@burbankusd.org , Adriana Chavez, our Community Liaison (Spanish) at adrianachavez@burbankusd.org or Kaline Albarian, Community Liaison (Armenian) at Kalinealbarian@burbankusd.org.
We will cover topics of discussion that are of interest to you and increase your students' achievement. Your participation is critical for their success.
The ELAC Meetings will be held on the following days:
Friday October 4 at 8:30am in the Washington Library (ELD Program Orientation)
Tuesday October 22 at 6:30pm: Family Math Night in person
Friday October 25 at 8:30am (In person, room 6)
Friday January 17 at 8:30am (Virtual or in person, TBD)
Friday April 4 at 8:30am (Virtual or in person, TBD)
The information we provide parents is steered by parent requests and needs. Meeting topics may include assistance in using district websites, distance learning, parent conference tips, middle school information from a middle school counselor, a presentation from the Burbank Adult School director, a presentation from a Burbank Public Librarian, and many more!
We look forward to seeing you at one of our ELAC meetings!
- Advise the principal and school staff on programs and services for English Language Learners
- Advise the School Site Council on the development of the Single School Plan for Student Achievement
Why participate in ELAC?
- To receive information about programs
- To become aware of student academic progress
- To get involved in your child’s education
ELAC members:
- Influence the education of their children in a positive way.
- All research shows that when parents are involved in a positive way, students experience success.
ELAC shall include the following officers:
- Chairperson: to organize, convene, and lead meetings of the council; attends DELAC and SSC meetings
- Vice-Chairperson: to serve in the absence of the chairperson
- Secretary: to record events and actions taken at council meetings