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School Site Council

George Washington School Site Council is an integral part of the parent/teacher relationship. Our Council is composed of seven school employees (principal, curriculum specialist, ELD Specialist, and four classroom teachers) and seven parents or community members.The primary task of the SSC is to insure that the school is continually engaged in identifying and implementing curriculum and instructional practices that address content and performance standards through the comprehensive school plan, including Title I budget.

What is School Site Council (SSC)?

  • Develop and approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
  • Set and review goals as well as make recommendations for improvements.
  • Establish budgets based on the SPSA.
  • Recommend and submit the site plan to the Board of Education (State Administrator) for approval.
  • Collaborate with other advisory groups (English Language Advisory Council and Gifted and Talented Education Program).
  • Encourage broad representation of parents, community members, teachers, and students, if appropriate.
  • Develop and oversee the Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy and Home-School Compact.
  • Develop the annual Comprehensive School Safety Plan


School Site Councils are expected to hold a minimum of four (4) meetings a year.   Everyone is welcome to attend, but only School Site Council (SSC) members can vote. We MUST have the same number of staff to parents ratio.


School Site Council Nomination Information