Volunteer Program Information
Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer at Washington Elementary! We are grateful for the time and energy you give to help our students thrive.
Do you need to submit a Volunteer Application?
- YES– Anyone who wants to be a school volunteer must submit an online volunteer application. This includes anyone that is interested in chaperoning a class field trip, helping out in a class or special events. Please submit your application well in advance of any field trip or other special event. Please know that teachers can select only a limited number of approved volunteers as field trip chaperones or classroom helpers, and may not be able to utilize everyone who is interested. Only approved volunteers will be selected as chaperones.
To be on the APPROVED VOLUNTEER LIST, a volunteer needs to complete the online Volunteer Application. All applications are online only and can be found on the following page:
When prompted, you will need to upload these 3 documents.
- Upload a copy of a valid driver’s license or ID.
- Each volunteer is required to upload a Tuberculosis Risk Assessment or a Certificate of Completion within the past 60 days prior to application to become a volunteer. If risk factors are identified, an additional examination to determine that s/he is free of infectious tuberculosis shall be conducted. This examination shall be conducted by a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner. The TB test is valid for 4 years
- Print and sign page 5 of the MPN document: Medical Provider Network Packet (MPN)
***Very important DO NOT select volunteer for overnight trip or volunteer for student transportation. These two options will require additional approval and will cause our school to deny your application.
You may not begin volunteering until you have been notified by Adriana Chavez that your volunteer application has been approved and you have confirmed a time and date with your student's teacher.
The above requirement applies to any activities sponsored by the school, PTA and/or Booster. If you are not cleared, you will not be able to volunteer in the classroom.
Again, we thank you for your commitment to the students of Washington Elementary!
If you have any questions please email Adriana Chavez at adrianachavez@burbankusd.org.