Supply List for Mrs. Collins
George Washington Elementary School
2023-2024 Mrs.Collins’ Supply List
These are the suggested items that may be donated for your child and the classroom. They are not mandatory, but any items that you send will be appreciated. Items can be found at Target, Staples, Office Depot, etc. Please take advantage of the back-to-school sales where these items are sold very cheaply!
Your child needs at home for homework:
1 ½ “ or 2” binder with pockets (for schedule, homework and daily report)
Number 2 pencils
Plastic Pencil box (about 8.5” x 5”)
Glue Sticks
For classroom use (used by all the students):
Tissue boxes
Crayola colored pencils
Hand Sanitizers
Clorox disinfecting wipes (canister)
Ziplock bags (various sizes)
Dry Erase Markers (multi-color) and Dry Erase Erasers
Thin fine line non-toxic markers
Paper towels
Erasers (Staedtler erasers)
Art Stix
Highlighter: pink, green, yellow
I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year. If you have any questions, please email me at